Medicine Woman Tool


The Medicine Woman Tool The Medicine Woman Tool is a multifunctional self care stone designed to reduce facial swelling, diminish wrinkles, relax facial muscles and invigorate the scalp. Each side of this tool has an intuitive purpose and is designed to promote healing. It has been crafted with the intention of encompassing all styles and shapes of gua sha tools into one unique stone. Please note that the stone is delicate and must be handled with care.


  • Large comb stimulates sensory nerves in the scalp, which relaxes facial muscles while inducing a sedative state of consciousness (great to do around bedtime to calm nerves).

  • The Shallow long-curved edge is ideal for stimulating lymphatic fluid through the cheeks, neck, mid-face, and forehead

  • A wide concave groove at the top fits the jawline, cheekbones, and eyebrow to break up collagen adhesions and increase facial muscle tone.

  • A short straight edge at the bottom sits perfectly on the upper cheekbone to remove puffiness and fluid from the “bags” under the eyes

  • A micro-comb edge also at the bottom is wonderful on forehead wrinkles, upper eyelid swelling, and stimulating collagen and fine lines above the mouth.

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